Sunday, September 12, 2010


So once again our childcare has fallen through. :(

I swear, every semester that I have gone back to school since having the kids something has happened and our sitters have backed out. Our family and close friends know how hard it has been for us to find good, dependable childcare. We have had lots of family and some really great friends jump in to help us out. Thank you to all of you that have helped us it the past we REALLY appreciate you.

We're searching again for someone who is great with kids, extremely dependable and reliable, is willing to watch our kids at our house or theirs, would be interested in watching the kids about 2 days a week and who lives in our area.

We would switch to daycare or in-home care in a heartbeat because it is so dependable, but at this point in the school year it is so hard to find 2 spots at one place. Plus our school district decided to switch our starting time this year to 7:00 am. Bad news for anyone who has little ones because most daycares don't open until 7:00. On top of all of that, has anyone checked out the daycare prices? For 2 little ones it's over $300 a week.

$300 a week would have been no problem. Hunter was offered a second job this summer which would have been a great boost to our income, but I told him "No, we've already made a commitment to our sitter. We need to honor our commitment." Silly me! I'm eating my words now.

So we're looking for a babysitter or a great daycare (and a second job for Hunter). :) Let me know if any of you know anyone that might be interested or if you have any great references. Thanks! K

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