Friday, November 11, 2011

Pumpkin Patch: Trip #3

Third time is a charm. Literally the third pumpkin patch trip was the best. We had so much fun with my parents at the pumpkin patch. It was so relaxed and laid back. We had the whole day to hang out and we didn't have to share Goody and Pops with anyone! We went to the cutest little pumpkin patch. We rode a hayride, we got to pet some animals, climbed the sawdust hill, we went through a maze, picked out pumpkins, had a picnic lunch and went on a hike. I think I'm going to make this a new family tradition. I love spending time with my babies, my husband and my mom and dad - my favorite people! We might have to include my sisters and brother next year (because they're some of my favorite people too). :) Hands down this was one of the best days ever! Thanks mom and dad for all you do for us. We LOVE you so much! Goody and Hudson

Family picture... or at least an attempt at a family picture. :)

Climbing the sawdust hill.

Of course Hudson found a girl friend. I have to admit, he's quite a catch. Hadley wasn't too happy about the lack of attention.

My loves! They led us out of the corn maze!

Goody was getting lots help pulling the pumpkin basket.

Sorry ladies, he's taken! :)

Hadley and her Pops.

Hadley getting a ride back to the car. :)

Hiking the trail.

I'm pretty sure we haven't had a picture of just the 2 of us in a LONG time.

My little hikers!

Pumpkin Patch: Trip #2

My Sweet Class

(Don't worry... everyone's parents signed an inernet waver. This picture is legal.) :)

Pumpkin Patch: Trip #1

The kids and I took a trip to the pumpkin patch at the end of September. We had lots of fun, but it's kind of stressful taking a 1 and 2 year old to a crowded pumpkin patch on your own. Not only was it hard keeping track of my wild man (a.k.a. Hudson), but my shadow (a.k.a Hadley) was having one of those days when she would not let go of me. I seriously left the stroller in a field while we went on the hayride to get the pumpkins. When we got back from the hayride, Had wanted to be carried, I was pushing the stroller and chasing Hudson so I had to kick the pumpkins to the check out line. The kids had so much fun so that erases all of the stress I had. :) Hudson feeding the goats.

Hadley was not so impressed with the goats.

Hudson on the cow train. FYI... it's the worst ride EVER! I got whiplash, poor Had hated it, but Hudson had a blast.

Hadley and Mommy (trying to enjoy the cow train).

King of the Mountain

She found her baby pumpkin that she wanted. :)

Ha! Ha! The only picture of the 3 of us at the pumpkin patch.

My little pumpkins!

She was kissing her pumpkins and saying, "Wuv you!"

Showing off his pumpkin.